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      Our Focus for 2024:       
"To Him Be Glory"  

Our Mission
"The Mission of Ascension is to join Jesus in making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey  everything that He has commanded.  We fully believe the promise of Jesus remains to this day, "Surely I am with you always to the very end of the age!"

Our Vision
"As a Windmill Church we will Serve, Proclaim and Grow with Christ"

                           February Sermon Series:

 2nd​                    - “TBD”                    -         TBD

 9th                     - “TBD”                    -         TBD

 16th                   - “TBD”                    -         TBD

 23rd                   - “TBD”                    -         TBD


Faith Bible Class                                9:00 - 10:00 AM
 (zoom and in person - if you need a zoom invitation,   please let the church office know -      817-645-9452)
Sunday Worship*                         8:00 &10:30 AM

   *and also on FACEBOOK live.


Sunday Worship

                                           ANNOUNCEMENTS 03/23/25

Ascension serving meal at HSBC                            Monday March 24th               11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Women’s Bible Study in FH*                                  Monday March 24th                         6:00 PM
Power of Prayer Tuesday                                        March 25th                                      3:00 PM
Seekers Bible Study in FH*                                    Wednesday March 26th                   10:00 AM
Lenten Worship                                                    Wednesday March 26th                     6:00 PM
Sunday School & Bible Class                                 Sunday March 30th                           9:00 AM
Worship (also on Facebook live)                            Sunday March 30th                      8:00 &10:30 AM

*Fellowship Hall
Altar flowers today are provided by Bob and Nelle Gentry in celebration of the birthday of daughter-in-law, Michelle, and by Bill and Leslie Preston in celebration of the birthday of daughter, Rebecca.

If you are a guest at Ascension, we’re so glad to see you! Please scan this QR code (below) or go to our Visitors' page to tell us more about yourself. Another option is completing a friendship card which is in the back of the pew chairs. We are excited to connect with you!

Preparations are being made for the remodeling process on the Main Campus. There are items available on a table in Café Sola. Please take any of the items today!

This Sunday (23rd) after the 10:30 worship, help is needed to get Pastor’s and Kay’s offices moved!  Work is scheduled to begin next week for the conversion of the chapel and other areas to our new fellowship hall.  If you are able-bodied and willing to assist, it would be very much appreciated!

Women’s Bible Study will continue on Monday, March 24th with the study of Romans at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall on Mondays. You are welcome to join!

If you would like to provide an
Easter lily for our Easter worship, the signup sheet is on the Information Bar. The cost is $18.00 which may be placed in the offering plate and designated for Easter lily.

Do you know someone between the ages of two and seven looking for a Christ-centered education? Next Gen has openings available.  Call the school for a tour or more information at 817-645-9452, ext. 116.  Keep Next Gen in your prayers!

The Women of Ascension have a few pumpkin rolls available for $20.00.  Please contact Hazel Jacobs or Corlis Cornils to purchase.  Thank you to all who have purchased rolls.  Proceeds are used for various WOA ministries.

Ascension Scholarship -  Please sign up for the Ascension Scholarship by sending an application to the Church office (  Applications are on the church website ( under “Worship”, then “Scholarship”.  The deadline for it to be filled out and turned in is May 15, 2025.  Any Ascension member may apply if they are planning to attend or are attending a college or trade school. The money will be sent to the school on the application.  If you have any questions, please contact Nelle or Bob Gentry at

MEMBERSHIP SHOWS THAT WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!! If you are interested in becoming a member of Ascension, please see Pastor Eddie for your Membership Packet! We will then set up a time to visit and pray about what it means to be a member of this faith community!! We truly are better together in Christ!

If you have an account with
Thrivent, you may have Choice Dollars to direct to the organization of your choice! Sign in to your account at or call 800-847-4836 and direct them before March 31!

Large and small print
Portals of Prayer for April, May, and June are available on the Information Bar and kitchen counter.

Everyone is invited to our
Seekers Bible Study each Wednesday morning at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Ben leads the study of Isaiah.

Want to actively participate in worship? With two services, we have more opportunities for talented individuals such as yourself to lead worship! If you sing, play any instrument, or are a tech whiz, contact Allison Reyes at 817-933-3801 or You can also request to join through the Church Center app! Just go to Groups, find whichever team interests you, and click Request to Join. We look forward to having you!

The signup sheets altar duty and altar flowers for 2025 are on the Information Bar in the Worship Center. Flower arrangements are $15.00 each and are delivered each week by Gonzales Floral. Payment may be placed in the offering. Altar duty is to prepare communion and the altar for Sunday and then to remove after worship. More details are available from Hazel Jacobs and posted in the kitchen.

Café Sola is open on Sunday mornings for free coffee and free breakfast bars.  Come for fellowship and attend our Adult Bible Class.  Sunday School for our children is at 9:00am.

Have you visited Ascension’s Facebook page? Check it out and “like” it!

MONTHLY ASCENSION NEWSLETTER – Please send your news for the December newsletter to by November 25th. If you can’t send it electronically, I ask that you put it in my box or call me on my cell phone at 817-301-9987 before that date. Thanks for your support and information!
Be sure to check out the YOUTH PAGE - it has some important updates!


© 2017 by Ascension Lutheran Church with


205 S Ridgeway Dr.

Cleburne TX 76033

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