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About Us

Next Generation Preschool is proud to be a ministry of Ascension Cleburne Church.  We are one blade of this blessed windmill church that rotates sending out the word of God to this community.  We get to tell the next generation of God's praiseworthy deeds and his love and salvation, as well as provide a safe, nurturing environment that allows children to grow academically, socially, and spiritually.  

Here at Next Generation Preschool your child will experience:


  • Christ-centered education

  • Tender, loving care

  • Spiritual growth

  • Creative learning

  • New friendships

  • Fun activities




2 Year Olds

Two-year-olds  spend their day learning to play and playing to learn. The focus is socialization and separation from mom and dad. Twos learn about shapes, colors, numbers, spatial awareness and sensory development as they participate in various activities throughout the day.

3 Year Olds

Three- year -olds build on what was introduced in our twos classes. They review shapes, colors and learn to identify numbers. They are introduced to capital letters and begin learning to write their name. Teachers also begin exposing children to various print concepts. Circle time is a vital part of our day where we share, listen, and explore themes. Threes begin working with small manipulatives to develop fine-motor coordination as we learn to handle scissors, glue and pencils.

4/5 Year Olds

Our 4/5 year old classes spend the year learning skills and concepts that will help them to succeed in kindergarten. Shapes and colors are reviewed and teachers begin to establish higher-level math concepts. An emphasis is placed on oral language development, reading readiness and concepts of print.  Fine-motor skills, such as cutting, gluing, and proper pencil hold, are developed.  Independence is encouraged at all times.


9:00 am - 3:00 pm for Preschool 


Look further for

extended care information.


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